Concepción School Anthem Lyrics I At the sound of the Caribbean breeze Beneath a robe of foamy waves My school waits for me eagerly To carve my future and honor II As a sailboat leaving harbor I set sail looking for you OH Concepcion! Fearless of winds or storms Shaping my knowledge persistently III Choir Let’s proudly shout and sing full of faith and endless joy At home and field with freedom I am a Concepcionista IV In your housing with vehement joy Learning and love for life It is my hope and ageless goal Concepcion: that is your lemma V Every day I come up to your shelter As a son seeking well from his mother; Your colors, ray, red and white are justice, love and knowledge VI Choir Let’s proudly shout and sing full of faith and endless joy At home and field with freedom I am a Concepcionista